The Life and Death of Peter Sellers

I can assure you...
I can assure you, Major Bat Guano -

if that is indeed your name -
if you don't put that gun away
and stop this nonsense,

the court inquiry is gonna come down
on you like a ton of bricks.

The court inquiry is gonna...
give you such a pranging.

- Mr Sellers.
- Hilary.

- What happened to my luncheon?
- Your mother's here.

Shall I tell her you're in make-up?
No, I'll be right there.
You missed Sarah's birthday.
Peter, you know the press
pay a lot of attention to that sort of thing.

You know, liebchen,
that is not chicken that you are eating.

Anyway, I told the man at The Times
that you were busy filming,

that you'd sent your love and nothing was
more important to you than your children.

I think he was satisfied with that.
Sarah made you that.
Eat your lunch.
You know, in ze comink years,
ze nuclear family as we know it
will have ceased to exist.
All human requirements...
will be dealt with cleanly and efficiently.
Leisure pastimes.
Sexual partners.
All zeez problems
vill be regulated by ze state.
