The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

Quiet day.
I certainly hope someone needs
a forest ranger here sometime.

Hello. I'm Dr. Roger Fleming,
and I seem to have lost my way.

I'm Ranger Brad,
and that's what I'm here for.

You can call me Ranger Brad.
Most folks do.

Yes. Ranger Brad.
Of course. I like that.

Do you think you could tell me
the way to Cadavra Cave?

Cadavra Cave?
Why do you wanna go there?

Ranger Brad, do I tell you
all your ranger business?

No, I guess not. Keep going
on this trail about a mile.

You can't miss it.
Thank you, Ranger Brad.
You've been very helpful.

Oh, say.
You don't believe those legends about
the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, do you?

Ranger Brad, I'm a scientist.
I don't believe in anything.

Nice fellow.
Paul, is it much farther?
My legs are already starting
to feel like two heavy, slow things.

Soon I won't feel like I have legs
anymore, they're already so tired.

Shouldn't be too much farther, Betty.
And then you can rest
and I can do science.
