The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

What is it, darling?
Oh, I don't know.
As a scientist, I just wish I could
appreciate more things, like...

...cabins, bicycles.
I know. You're too wrapped up
in your work.

That's why you need to get
away from this silly old meteor.

Get away from it? I feel like
I haven't even got near it yet.

This silly old meteor, as you call it,
could be made of atmosphereum.

Do you know what that
could mean for mankind?

Oh, tell you what, Betty,
once my meteor studying is done...

...what say you and I
take some time off...

...take the boat out on the lake,
just the two of us?

-Oh, Paul, do you really mean it?
-Scientist's honor.

Wait a minute.
We don't have a boat.

-Oh, you.
-I want you to know...

...if we did have a boat, you'd be the
first person I'd take out on it, kitten.

Dinner was delicious, honey.
Keep cooking like that and I won't
be able to move, let alone do science.

That'd suit me fine, Mr. Meteor.
Ouch, that hurt. Tomorrow,
what say you and I go searching...

...for our rocky, glowing, radioactive
friend from space together?

Paul Armstrong, I do believe
there's hope for you yet.

Shake on it?
Why shake when we can
touch other things? Like lips.

Oh, Paul, could that be your meteor?
