The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

According to my map, Cadavra Cave
should be around here somewhere.

Any readings, as you call them?
Nothing yet.
According to my calculations...

...the meteor must have
crashed right around here.

And that machine, or whatever it is,
will tell you where?

Yes, it's tuned
to detect atmosphereum...

...which is what I'm convinced
the meteor was made of.

Either that's a reading
or my teeth chattering.

We've picked up something
that's not teeth. That's strange.

I hope it doesn't mean
one of us ate atmosphereum.

This is serious. The readings are
getting stronger, but we're not moving.

But something else is moving,
and it's moving right for us.

Whatever it is, it's gone now.
You all right?

I think so.
Whatever was watching us
seemed pretty big.

Worse than that, Betty.
Whatever it was,
it's lousy with atmosphereum.

This is it. This has to be it.
Cadavra Cave.
