The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

Lattis, I fear our power source...
...the power that runs this ship,
is gone.

Without it, I fear we have no hope of
ever seeing Marva, our planet, again.

Then we must find the power source.
Yes. We must hope that
this planet, this Earth...

...contains that rarest of all radioactive
elements: atmosphereum.

Oh, well. Meantime,
I will hunt for the Mutant...

...with this transmutatron.
I only hope it didn't kill already
while it roamed last night.

Leave me now.
Our Mutant must be
around here somewhere.

When I find it, our transmutatron will
change it to a more harmless creature.

That might be the Mutant now.
With this atmosphereum, Betty,
mankind can benefit in many ways...

-...many of them good.
-I know.

Kro-bar! Kro-bar!
What is it? You need not yell,
because of my proximity.

I yell not from the volume required by
great distance, but from excitement.

-Two Earth people--
-There are many Earth people.

Speak specifically. What's special
about these two that warrants interest?

-Surely nothing.
-These two, as you call them...

...have atmosphereum.
