The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

-Tergasso certainly was thirsty.

I'll seem suspicious if I come alone.
I know.
Those forest animals standing
right there have given me an idea.

I watched the aliens work this thing.
Maybe if I make myself a date,
I won't seem so alone.

I never thought I'd have
a date with an animal.

Relax, my pet. I am your friend.
More than a friend, I suppose,
since I created you.

But I must give you a name.
To us, you and l,
you shall be Animala.

I find that name
appropriate somehow.

But to the others, to those inferior
to you and I, you shall be...

So, Bammon, what do you do?
Do? I can do anything.
I have no restrictions.

That's the spirit.
I'm the same way with science.

I like my dress so very much.
That's what I can do.

This drink is very refreshing.
Thank you, Paul and Betty.
