The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

What the--?
Sorry, I must've been really involved
in my scientific work for a minute.

I guess that's what they mean...
...when they say scientists have rocks
in their heads.

Thanks to science, we're finally
starting to understand atmosphereum.

Did you know there's enough
atmosphereum in one teaspoon...

:53:18 go to the moon
and back six times?

Moon, teaspoons. That's
all gibberish to me, I'm afraid.

As long as I don't have to go
to the kitchen six times...

:53:30 tell you breakfast is ready.

Speaking of early risers, where have
our unexpected guests gotten off to?

-They certainly are odd ducks.
-You know, I don't know.

Something about hiking
or exploring or something.

Oh, well.
Well, just as long as they don't
hike too far and fall off a cliff.

-That would be a hike.
-You said it.

Now, let's see what happens
when I add water to it.

Good, old-fashioned H2O, I call it.
Oh, hello, Pammy.
I didn't see you come in.

How come you're not
out hiking with the others?

I don't have answers, Paul.
You've probably seen
plenty of woods.

-You seem like the outdoor type.
-Always agree.

You can watch me experiment,
if you promise to be quiet.

Be quiet.
Well, I don't mean stop breathing...
...but don't exactly do
a big dance number, either.

Now, that's almost exactly the kind of
thing I was saying you shouldn't do.

Seriously, Pammy, I don't know if I can
do science with you dancing like that.

Please stop.
