The Manchurian Candidate

My full name is Eugénie Rose.
Of the two names,
I've always favoured Rosie,

because it smells of brown soap and beer.
Eugénie is somehow more fragile.
Still, when I asked you what
your name was, you said it was Eugénie.

It's quite possible I was feeling
more or less fragile at that instant.

I could never figure out
what that phrase meant, "more or less".

- Are you Arabic?
- No.

My name is Ben.
It's really Bennett.
I was named after Arnold Bennett.

The writer?
No. A lieutenant colonel. He was my
father's commanding officer at the time.

- What's your last name?
- Marco.

Major Marco.
Are you Arabic?
No. No...
Let me put it another way.
Are you married?
- You?
- No.

- What's your last name?
- Chaney.

I'm production assistant
for a man named Justin,

who had two hits last season.
I live on 54th Street, a few doors
from the Modern Museum of Art,

of which I'm a tea-privileges member.
No cream.

I live at 53 West 54th Street.
Apartment 3B.
Can you remember that?
Eldorado 59970.
