The Manchurian Candidate

A real swinger of a nightmare, too.
It's to do with, uh...
all kinds of strange people.

Is it about a Russian general
and some Chinese

and me and the men
who were on the patrol?

How did you know that?
How do you know?!

Take your hands off me.
Please, Raymond.
Tell me, how did you know?

I don't really know
anything about it at all.

But you just started to tell me...
Do you remember Al Melvin,
the corporal on the patrol?

- Yes, of course.
- I had a letter from him two weeks ago.

Needless to say,
I was very surprised to hear from him.

You know how much
the guys in the outfit hated me.

Well, not as much as I hated them.
Well, anyway, the funny thing was,
he wrote that
I was the best friend he had in the army.

I was the best friend he had in the army.
The poor, simple boob. Anyway,
he wanted to tell me about his nightmare.

He said he was going out of his mind.
Raymond... tell me what he said
about the nightmare.

He keeps dreaming that the patrol
is all sitting together in this hotel lobby

with a lot of Chinese brass
and Russian generals.

Anyway, what's so much
of a nightmare about that?

The letter. Have you got the letter?
No, I don't. I never keep letters.
That's all he wrote?
That was the end of it?

Why? Is it the same thing
you've been dreaming?

Raymond, do something for me, will you?
Call Eldorado 59970.
If a young lady answers, tell her I've gone
to Washington. The town, not the General.

I'll be in touch with her
as quickly as I can.

You'll do that, won't you? Eldorado 59970.
To take some of the mystery out of it,
Major, the photographs you see

are shots of male models,
Mexican circus performers,

Czech research chemists,
