The Merchant of Venice

This is the penthouse under which
Lorenzo desired us to make stand?

His hour is almost past.
And it is a marvel he outstays his hour
for lovers always run before the clock.

That ever holds.
Who rises from a feast with
that keen appetite that he sits down?

Sweet friends,
your patience for my long delay.

Ho! Who"s within?
Who are you?
Tell me for more certainty,
albeit I swear that I do know your tongue.

Lorenzo and thy love.
Lorenzo, certain, and my love indeed,
for who I love so much?
And now who knows but you, Lorenzo,
whether I am yours?

Heaven and thy thoughts are witness
that thou art.

Here! Catch this casket.
It is worth the pains.
L"m glad"tis night. You do not look on me
for I am much ashamed of my disguise.

But love is blind and lovers cannot see
the pretty follies that themselves commit.

For if they could,
Cupid himself would blush

to see me thus transformed into a boy.
Descend, for you must be my torchbearer.
Why, "tis an office of discovery, love,
and I should be obscured.

So are you, sweet,
even in the lovely garnish of a boy.

But come at once,
for the close night doth play the runaway.
