The Take

This is the porcelain workshop,
one of the many our organization
runs for the unemployed.

Not only to say ''no'' to eviction...
But also to go to the legislature
and say ''approve our bill now.''

lt's been a year already.
Let's go on the offensive.
lf we say, ''please, don't evict
us,'' we're dead.

Forget polite government

lt's all about direct action
and direct democracy.

From the moment we got together,
we were able to get
this factory in production.

And now it's a national

ln our last national meeting,
it was clear that a new
politics is emerging.

And more than just feeling
part of it,

we feel like pioneers.
My baby's not going to
believe in a saviour.

l don't know what he'll believe later,
but what l'll try to teach him
is that he can do it on his own.

And that he doesn't have
to follow anyone.

No political boss, king, or saviour.
