The Take

Although l don't want
to compare myself to him,

l too...
Because we have to change...
what's going on under
the interim government.

We need change.
l think that with Menem there
is going to be more stability,

there's going to be work,
and we're not going to have
to beg for 1 50 pesos a month.

How long are we going
to keep lazing around?

First of all, let's start
with an easy point.

He says he wants to open
factories, Menem closed factories.

He privatized,
and the debt went up.

So Menem, no.
Menem sold everything,
he sold the country.

The politicians want us to believe...
...that through elections we'll
fix everything,

and have justice for all.
But today, the whole lMF team
is at the Sheraton hotel,

keeping an eye on the political
situation in our country.

And it's there where the
decisions are being made, really.
