The Village

for sightings of this coyote.
Keep careful watch,
over our little ones, as they play on
the hills.

As for the other notion.
We do not believe,
our boundary has been breached.
Those we don't speak off,
are much larger creatures than coyotes.
We would know if they had been here.
As frightful, it's good news there's a
coyote, is it not papa?
Do not feel worried, Kitty.
You're not troubled?
I'm certain it will all end soon.
Can we think of other matters then?
It would be a relieve.
I'm in love.
I'd like your permission to marry papa!
There's a proper manner,
the way things are supposed to happen.
Such as the boy would now all be
standing next to you,

And while I'm on such as this, where is
the boy in all this.

I haven't spoken to him as of yet.
The young man is unaware of your

He has a quiet way.
I was going to talk with him papa,
but not without your blessing.
I won't talk with him without your

It's Lucius Hunt.
You think badly of him?
I haven't been thinking on him this way
The other boys, papa, he doesn't joke,
or bounce about.

No he certainly does not.
So I have your blessings then?
Look, do me one favour,
do not tell anyone else about your

until you have spoken with the young
