The Whole Ten Yards

Oh, so this is how a
retired mass murderer acts.

This is how a retired mass murderer behaves
when people show up uninvited for dinner!

- Noted.
- Jimmy.

- How many goons does he have with him?
- Seven, eight.

- And his son.
- Strabonitz?

Well, should I go to the police?
Kidnapping would put him away forever.
He'd make her disappear to avoid
going back to the slammer.

Why are you asking me?
- This is Oz's problem.
- Jimmy.

You have to help me.
What, are you nuts? I got
a great thing going on down here, Oz.

Plus, I'm safe down here.
Besides, I don't care what happens
with you and Cynthia.

I'm not uprooting my life
to save your sorry ass.

Light it up like a piƱata!
You told them where I live?
You're dead.

Told them where I live.
You're a dead man.

- Jimmy, are you coming or not?!
- You can run, but you can't hide!

Let's go!
Oz! Oz.
Put the...
Let's go!

You better run, tooth-boy.
I get a second, I'm gonna slice you up.
Anyone hit anything yet?
Let's go.
Will you come on?
This idiot. Will you come on?
Get up!
