
as well as in Gerry Anderson's original.
The primary colours were essential.
So that sense of fun, that sense of movement
that is in the film,

I think they captured very effectively.
And this, Sir Ben Kingsley's eyeball,
appears later in the picture.
The late, great Mary Selway cast this picture.
You'll hear the original theme music.
For fans of the show I think the theme
and the countdown

were as iconic and memorable
as the palm trees folding down

and the swimming pool retracting.
Lady Penelope and Parker
are planted in your mind here

if you don't know who they are.
You'll see this car in a flashback
to what you saw in the titles.

The Academy Award-winning Marty Walsh.
And here's John Beard.
In this title sequence,
we also wanted to establish Alan,

who you just saw being dropped off at school,
as a loner, not a member of the team.
So there were a number
of important bits of information,

tonally and thematically,
that we wanted to get across.

The primary purpose - no pun intended -
was to let the audience know
that this is a family action adventure fantasy.

Of course, it's directed by -
look at that - Jonathan Frakes.

Here we are at the Wharton Academy,
Massachusetts -

actually Bushey Studios, North London.
This opening sequence replaced
what was in the original script

which was a motorbike chase
featuring these two guys, Alan and Fermat.
