
and hundreds and hundreds of oversized wasps
which appear later in the picture.
Great shot. Again, enhanced by sound, music,
to make it scarier than the picture itself.
And it's revealed...
Tintin, as the niece of The Hood,
has the same powers.

And you can bet
that'll come back later in the picture!

It's all spelled out because it's a kids' picture,
you wanna make sure everybody understands.

This shot is from a scene
that used to be in the picture

where The Hood was meditating
to re-juice his powers.

And instead of looking at who was at the door
we decided that he had timed
yet another explosion on Thunderbird 5.

So we discovered a way
to keep that great shot of The Hood

and also keep us abreast of
what was going on on Thunderbird 5.

This is a Ford EX,
which was a nonproduction vehicle
that they gave us the privilege of using.

They sent over someone from Detroit to protect it
while we had it in the Seychelles,

so it was a 4x4 that we were told not to roll,
not to drive fast and, if possible, not to get dirty,
which seemed somewhat absurd.
This is called Zimbabwe Hill, on the isle of Praslin,
where we created this satellite station.
Mysteriously shaped like a palm tree.
The helicopter shot was done
at the crack of dawn with three stuntmen
