
You are listen to me,right!?
Henry kill Junior
Yeah,l don't know that
But you can't help me
That is the all night stand
in the Mexico...

Well,do l accept.l agree with him
Oh yeah,that make sense
You don't want this on bike?
Come on,
We are fer with the crazy huh!
l want to make life by in the town
That is the damnist thing
l never heard

l know that he is go in the one place,
and he didn't go out there

and catch him in the mistake
Are you smart than a neck?
He try the back door
He gonna do the poncho
That's the way l go
And that;s the next we going
That is how many James six months in LA,
last in his position

Maybe that is in under something
Call in,check a thing in the LA
You know that is too late,do you?
That is thing that James gonna to do...
He is right,Henry is...
That what l do it
