
Know how to use it.
I will protecting my word.d
Patricians cousin.e
And this is Vanica.l
Patricians, I'm your opponent army.
Now, you have this one
to watching your way.

Learning from Achilles himself.
Achilles, we kill for the honor.l
Are you here for that pity?
We need to talk.
Do not fight to him.
I not asking you to fight for him.
I'm asking you fight for the Greece.
-Why the Greek fighting each other?

For now, they never hunt me.
They insult the Greek.
-They insult one Greek.

Man with no honor.e
Achilles fight for honor.u
Man not fight against the power,
man let the god to decide...

which man to glorify. -For the Greek.n
Forget that! Fight for me.
My wife fulfill must better,
she know your by no side.

I feel must better.i
Listening the largest freak I never say.
The best of all the Trojans, some said
he is better than all the Greeks too.

Even your cousin doesn't come.h
I hope you will join our, Patricians.s
