
Father, I know this is
the last thing we need.

everything is in the hand.i
I suprise you let him bring her.u
You know man allow,
he bring her to his gate.

What you have me to do?
Bring her to ship and send her home.
We may never always love
Paris and his lovely back.

This is different.y
If we send her home,
men will allow him follow her.

This is my country...
This is my country and
I don't want to see them suffer.

Some of that has his price.e
Is just not the Sparta coming out after her...o
by now the man are argument of that,
and Agamemnon wanted
to destroy us for years.

Enemy is been attacking us for century,
our war are still stand.

Father, we can't win this war.y
Apollo is watch over us.
How many Petallion
and sun god come on?

Do not note the gods.h
They coming for me.e
They are being closer.
-What do we left, tonight?

Right now.
Why we down to the stable and left.
By this, keep riding.
-Go where?

Away from here.r
