
I didn't know if you'd want
to hear from me...

the way you blamed me for things.
Don't say you didn't.

I won't.
Then when Audrey died...
I just couldn't bear it.
Took the kids out of school,
didn't tell nobody.

Moved out here to live
in the sticks like hermits.

Because people...
Sort of no reminders
when you tear away from people.

I couldn't handle it...
the thought of you stuck in that place.
I was gonna go see you.
I even made plans, but I didn't. I just...
You don't gotta say nothing, John.
I feel like if I forgive...
then I'll be forgiven.
Lice gets everywhere.
Stay still.
Was she pretty?
- Who?
- Mom.

She was kind of good-looking,
I guess, for a mom.

She had a little moustache, though.
I always thought that was weird for a lady.
I remember her kind of perfume.
- You wanna smell my armpit?
- No.

I wanna get me a haircut.
What are you gonna do now?
Got any plans?

- I always got plans.
- Here, wear that.

Long as I stay in the state, I'm good.
Check in with the parole officer
every once in a while.
