
Then 10, and 20 and 40. On and on.
His pockets grew fat.
Then one day, the river dried up...
the ferryman was gone
and never came back.

My dad said he thought that was Charon.
And that he was paying the living...
what he kept from the dead.
That's why I saved them all this time.
Those coins are cursed.

They're the debt the dead had to pay.
If they're worth so much, why don't you
just sell them so we can get rich?

I pawned one off last year
to buy that station wagon.

You see what a pain in the ass that's been,
it went to prove my point.

There are demons.
And they got a sick sense of humor.
Go on, now. Get washed up, you sculp.
Dad, why was Deel in jail?
Before our parents died...
he got some bad news that upset him.
It was something I did.
I let my brother down.
But I'm not proud of it.
He came to find me for a reason.
What are you doing?
