
Something was said to him
before you brought him to me.

You didn't bring me
a clean subject.

What exactly did you say to him
before you brought him here?

I told him we were the guys
Washington has sent him to whack.

Great. Because that has
triggered something...

and now he thinks we're
about to kill his friend Scott.

He said he's already dead.
Not anymore, he doesn't.
At least not in his mind.

Why couldn't you keep your mouth
shut like I asked you to?

Let me raise his heart rate
a little bit...

just give it a little bump. These
floors are completely sound proof.

Doesn't matter how loud
it gets.

Just get me what I want.

I'll get you what you want.
I don't mind doing this
the hard way.

- We got more on that ambulance.
- What?

He used his chrome box to change the
traffic lights all the way to Catonsville.

Where did it go?
We lost it when it got off
the beltway, but we got its id.

St. Nevis Hospital. It's a private
facility. Psychiatric.

- Dean...
- Cut him down.

Listen, I wanna
get this straight.

Cut him down.
Cut him down.

You want us to let
Scott go, is that it?

- Cut him down.
- We'll cut him down.
