Vanity Fair

Not you? Surely you take
pleasure in your pictures.

I can hide behind them.
You, my lord, hide from what?

From the simple truth that is known
to every shepherd and footman...

that the only thing of value
in this life is to love...

and be loved.
I've hidden from it because
I didn't think that I would ever find it.

Now I believe I have.
You jest with me, my lord.
I make a poor companion with
the splendors that surround you.

The chief advantage
of being born into society...

is that one learns early
what a tawdry puppet play it is.

You remember the child
who set a high price on this picture...

before she could bear to see it go?
Not high enough.
The trouble is, Mrs. Crawley,
you've taken the goods.

It's too late to query the price.
Colonel Crawley.
May I walk with you?
By all means, Wenham.
Good evening, Colonel.
Oh, Lord!

It's a small thing, Colonel.
£165 you owe Mr. Nathan.

For God's sake, Wenham, lend me 100.
I have 70 at home.

I'm sorry. I don't have £10
in the whole world,
my dear fellow.

Don't worry.
Mr. Moss will take good care
of you, won't you, Mr. Moss?

I run the most comfortable
debtor's prison in London.
Come on.
