
Ranjit, permission for my leave
has come from the base

Mom and Dad had asked me
to come home to celebrate Lodi

I'll leave from here in the morning,
that way I'll reach sooner

Negi will accompany you back
Okay, see you on Monday. Enjoy...
- Thank you. Here are the logs...

Mister, are there any buses
to Kiritpur from here?

No Ma'am, no buses leaving right now.
There's one for Kiritpur at seven am

Then is there a hotel
where I can spend the night?

Hotel! Of course... look there's
Kake's Dhabha. Our five star hotel

For ten rupees you'll get a blanket
for twenty five rupees you'll get a cot

Ok Ma'am, please excuse me,
I'm getting late. Good night

You risk your life to save
the lives of strangers

There can't be nobler work than that
I would not like you to stop taking
pride in your work because of me

That's why I've come to tell you
the reason for my behaviour

These are the ashes of my Bebe
