
But how can I...?
Look here, neither
I nor you are Bebe's children. But...

But... if it werert for you I wouldn't have
been able to get Bebe here so easily

Like me, now you too have formed
a bond with Bebe

So the right...
to perform this
final rite is just not mine, but yours too

Zaara... here's your bus ticket.
You'll reach Atari. And from there...

catch a train straight to Lahore.
And here's your change

Have you finished eating?
Anything else...? - No thanks
You've already done a lot for me.
I just don't know how to thank you

I'm very frank about these things.
If you ask me...

I'll tell you what I really want...
- Tell me what I can do for you?

Be careful, I will ask but
you will not be able to give it

You don't know what you've done for me.
Ask for anything you want

It's a promise that I'll fulfill it
You are making a promise without
knowing the price... you might regret it
