Vera Drake

Thank you.
- I've got another one for you.
- Oh, yes?

- Friday, is it?
- ls Friday all right?

- Mm.
- I told her 5:00.

- That's all right, yes.
- Want some tea?

- Sardines?
- I'm all right this week, Lily.

- Oh, now what sweets you got?
- Boiled sweets.

Here you are.
Don't you want some for your Ethel?

How much are them, then?
Tuppence a bag. A penny eighty to you.
- Kelp Street.
- Oh, I know.

Nora. She's got seven kids already.
Oh, can't she manage?
- No, could you?
- I've only got a thruppenny bit.

I've got change.
Ain't the husband around?
l expect so.
Can't control himself, if you ask me.
Terrible. Poor woman.
Serves her right.
Don't you want no
sardines for your mother?

No, she can't eat them no more, Lily.
Gives her heartburn.

How's she keeping anyway, your mom?
Oh, you know. Getting older.
Ain't we all?
That's Ethel.
- That you, Ethel?
- Hello, Mom.

- Lily's here.
- Oh.

Hello, Ethel.
- You want a cuppa?
- Yes please, Mom.

- Ain't she got a boyfriend yet?
- No.

l ain't surprised.
That was a lovely spread, Vera.
Thank you very much.

- You're welcome, Reg, you know that.
- Doing a bit of mending?

Yes. You got anything that needs doing?
You've got a bit of leg poking
through your trousers.

- Yes, he has.
- I done that at work.

- I ain't got round to it yet.
- You do your own sewing?

Well, I'm all fingers
and thumbs, but I have a go.

You ought to bring 'em over here, Reg.
You need a little patch on that.
I'll get you a bit of cloth
from the shop, Reg.

What is it?
Navy serge, 19 oz.

Give it to Mom, she'll mend it for you,
no problem.

- I could do that.
- Of course, she can.
