Vera Drake

Which is exhibit EW-8.
All the aforementioned items
were kept in a cloth bag,
which as Your Lordship can see
is exhibit EW-9.
Vera Drake is not concerned with riches.
She simply helps people
as and when she's asked.
She's always helped people.

Her solicitude for others
has led her to commit
one of the most serious offenses
in the calendar,
but her intention...
was to help the young girl
and not to harm her.
l may assure Your Lordship
That Vera Drake is more relieved than anyone
about the recovery of Pamela Barnes.
l submit that Your Lordship
would have little doubt

that this...
unfortunate woman is now ever likely
to reoffend...
and that is the case
for the defense, my Lord.

Thank you, Mr. Hampton Ward.
Prisoner at the bar, please rise.
Prisoner at the bar,
you stand convicted of felony.

Have you anything to say
why the court should not give you
judgment according to law?

Please remain standing.
Vera Rose Drake,
you have committeda crime, the gravity of which
cannot be overestimated.
The law is very clear
and you have willfully broken that law.
And furthermore,
in so doing,
you have put at risk
the life of a vulnerable young woman.
