Welcome to Mooseport

And the problem is?
As the man who has just gotten the most
lucrative speaking fees, the biggest book deal...

the most board offers in history,
l would think you'd know.

Come on, honey lamb.
You don't believe all that nonsense, do you?

No, Eagle. l believe
it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Charlotte, lamb, we settled.
[ Mock Chuckle ]
Pioneers settle.

We rested.
- Seven million.
Don't forget--you're selling Mooseport.
- Charlotte!

lt's a vacation home, Monroe.
You thieving, conniving, ungrateful--
lt's been a pleasure speaking with you,
Mrs. Cole. He'll call you back.

Yeah, you too.
Try to talk some sense into him.

- Seven million.
- lt's a negotiation.

You've handled dictators.
You've handled terrorists.

Terrorists were easier,
l swear to God!

[ Grumbling ]
Let the lawyers handle it. Breathe.
[ Sighs ]

- Oh, Grace, you're a miracle.
- Oh!

[ Toilet Flushing ]
Oh. Sorry.
No, no, no. Come on in.
Can l help you?

Well, l don't mean to disturb you.
l'm all done in here.

l mean, l'm done fixing it.
That flushing you heard--
that's work-related, not personal.

Hey, we're done.
- [ Dog Whining ]
- What? Plunger!

Plunger! Plunger, stop it!
- Come here!
- [ Barks ]

What are you doing, huh?
- [ Yipping ]
- Hey, you trying to get us both shot?

How many times l gotta tell you--
keep that thing in your... body.

Bad dog!
- You just let him do that right in front of you?
- l don't have cable, man.
