Welcome to Mooseport

- Sorry.
- [ Woman Laughing ]

Good evening.
l'd like to thank everybody for coming.

Tonight is a very special night
for Mooseport.

ln the words of Hunt Langley, who put it
so eloquently in The Moose Call...

""The Eagle Has Landed!''
How original.
On behalf of the town council,
let's give a big Mooseport welcome...

to our newest citizen...
Monroe ""Eagle'' Cole!
-[ Man ] Whoo.!
- Yea!

Thank you.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

As you all know, it's been over a year
since l vacationed up here.

So, first off...
to the rumor
that l'm only here because...

l lost my Baltimore house
in my divorce...

absolutely true.
-[ Chuckling ]
- l am a Mooseport resident...

and even though l didn't get a chance to meet
many of you when l was up here as president...

- l certainly hope to--
- [ Door Clattering ]

l certainly would, uh...
- [ Mouthing Word ]
- hope to get to know you all a lot better.

Maybe we could, uh,
hit a few birdies or, uh, eagles...

- [ Laughing ]
- at your local golf links.

Anyway, since l'm not here
to ask for money...

[ Chuckling ]
l don't know what else to say...

except to thank you so much...
for your hospitality...
and see you around the burg.
Hear! Hear!
- Let's go.
- Thank you, Mr. President. That was great.

- Let's go.
- Thank you, Mr. President. That was great.

Uh, could a few of us
have a word with you in private?

The president has
a limited amount of time. Sorry.

- This'll take just a second. lt's kind of urgent.
- Certainly.

- Right this way.
- Excuse me.

Mr. President,
l'm sorry the timing isn't better...

but it seems that your arrival
has coincided with something of a crisis.
