Welcome to Mooseport

- Mm-hmm.
- lt's not gonna go anywhere.
He's 20 years older than me.

- He's the president!
- So?

Power takes 1 0 years
off a man, Handy.

Rich, another 1 0.
By the time you figure
he's in great shape and you're not...

he's younger than you are.
-[ Martha ] Mm-hmm.
- So, you want to campaign or not?

- Hmm!
- Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm!

Better shape!
l know l can kick your ass!
[ Bullard ] Up and running.
So how do we kick this thing off,Bert?

Top priority, obviously,
is to keep him presidential.

Just pound
these moose worshippers...

with what his unbelievable experience
can bring to them.

Look, if they think about it
for half a second...

Harrison can't bring even a fraction
of what he brings.

- Whatever he is.
- And what exactly is he?

Preliminary research says
that he is something...

that actually we've never
faced before, Mr. President.

- And that is?
- He's a genuinely honest man, sir.

Oh, come on, Grace. All that means
is he's never run for public office.

[ Chuckling ]
- What do you got, Bert?
- F.B.l., C.l.A.-- nothing.

But this turned up in the local paper.
And, uh, that's it?
That's it. We're running
against the pie-eating champ.

- Huh.
- And think about this.

He runs for mayor, but only
when he thinks he's unopposed.

He dates the same woman
for six years...

but he never pops the question.
What's wrong with this picture?
He won't take risks.!
He won't make a commitment.

And any man who won't make a commitment
shouldn't be mayor of anything.

- That's good. How do we get that out?
- Whisper campaign, at first.

Then radio, and eventually,
we'll have to have some TVspots.

Shouldn't get too expensive, but--
Mr. President, l'm sure
you don't want to hear this...

but would the easiest thing be--
Should we discuss a withdrawal?
