Welcome to Mooseport

He wants to talk to me about dogs.
- Why you all dressed up then?
- Because he's the president.

Well, then why are you
wearin' black underwear?

- Were you lookin' up my dress?
- [ Mumbling ]

Yeah, l was.
- Ow!
- Oh, get over yourself. l hardly touched you.

How many times do l gotta tell you
how strong you are?

You knuckled my bone!
Listen, explain to me
the underwear choice.

- lf you're not attracted--
- l don't believe this!

What difference does it make
what color my underwear is?

lt's an unconscious indicator...
of your subconscious intentions.
Okay. Um--
How do you feel about the pink?
- No.
- No.

- Uh... what about these?
- No!

- No? Uh, these?
- All right.

Or do you like any of these?
l'm going to Sears tomorrow.
l'm telling you right now.

Oh! Remember these?
Yeah. That we're locking up, okay?
Or you know what?
l could always go with none at all.
l wonder what that would indicate.

Sally. Sally!
Put some pants on!

[ Phone Rings ]
- Hello!
- Handy's Hardware.

- Hello, Pig 'N' Whistle.
- No, this is Handy's Hardware.

Good. l'd like to confirm
a reservation, please.

- You have the wrong number.
- Yes, l know.

For President Monroe Cole.
- Strictly confidential, of course.
- Confidential?

8:00, for two, yes?
Well, l'll be buggered by a bear.
Ah, yes, you will.
Look forward to seeing you there.

[ Dial Tone Hums ]
Move up a little closer.
Can you move that up?

[ Handy ]
This feels wrong. And pushy.

And him making her
his booty poodle isn't?

You have to stop saying that,

- ##[ Classical ]
- Thank you. To new friends.
