What the %23$*! Do We (K)now!?

So it caused scientists to
back up and ask this question.

So who sees then? Does the brain see?
Or do the eyes see?

And what is reality? Is reality
what we're seeing with our brain...

or is reality what
we're seeing with our eyes?

And the truth is is that the brain
does not know the difference...

between what it sees in its environment
and what it remembers...

because the same specific
neural nets are then firing.

So then it asks the question.
What is reality?

[ Woman ] We're bombarded
by huge amounts of information...

and it's coming into our body,
and we're processing it--

coming in through our sense organs,
and it's percolating up and up...

- and at each step
we're eliminating information.
- [Jingling ]

And finally, what is bubbling up
to consciousness is...

the one that's
the most self-serving.

[ Man ] The brain processes
400 billion bits of information a second...

but we're only aware
of 2,000 of those.

But our awareness of those 2,000 bits
of information...

arejust about the environment,
our body and about time.

[ Rattles ]
[ Man ] We're living in a world where
all we see is the tip of the iceberg--

the classical tip of an immense
quantum mechanical iceberg.

- Hey, wow! You got a lot of shots to develop?
- No.

Oh, bummer.
Well, I'll catch you later.

[ Door Opens, Closes ]
