What the %23$*! Do We (K)now!?

existing without my input,
without my choice.

You have to banish
that kind of thinking.

Instead,you really
have to recognize...

that even the material world
around us--

the chairs, the tables, the rooms,
the carpet-- camera included--

all of these are nothing but
possible movements of consciousness.

And I'm choosing moment to moment
out of those movements...

to bring my actual experience
into manifestation.

This is the only radical thinking
that you need to do.

But it is so radical--
It's so difficult...

because our tendency is that the world
is already out there...

independent of my experience.
It is not. Quantum physics
has been so clear about it.

Heisenberg himself,
codiscoverer of quantum physics...

said atoms are not things,
they're only tendencies.

So, instead of thinking
of things...

you have to think
of possibilities.

They're all possibilities
of consciousness.

You now can see in numerous labs
around the United States...

objects that are large enough
to be seen by the naked eye...

and they are in
two places simultaneously.

- You can actually take a photograph of that.
- [ Shutter Clicks ]

Now, I suppose if you showed a photograph,
they'd say, ''Oh. Great.

''Here's this nice blob of colored light,
and I see there's...

''a bit of it over here and another bit--
So you've got a picture of two dots.

What's the big deal?''
You say, ''Look right in the chamber.
You can see it right there.''

''I see two things there.''
''No, no. That's not two things--

That's one thing.
It's the same thing in two places.''

I'm not sure that people's
jaw would drop about it...

because I think--
I don't think people
really believe it.

And I don't mean that people say, ''Oh, you're
lying,'' or ''Oh, the scientists are confused.''

I-I think it is so mysterious that you
can't even understand how amazing it is.
