What the %23$*! Do We (K)now!?

And then, furthermore,
you've seen Star Trek and whatnot.

''Beam me up, Scotty.''
So it all seems sort of...

''Oh, well, what does
that really mean?''

But you've gotta really stop and
think about what that means--

That it's the same object
and it's in two places at once.

When people tinker in the lab, and they get
angry about things, and they have lunch...

and they go home
and they lead their lives...

just as though nothing
utterly astounding is happening...

because that's how
you have to go about it--

And yet, there's this
completely amazing magic...

sitting right in front
of your eyes.

[ Man ] Quantum physics
calculates only possibilities...

but if we accept this,
then the question immediately comes...

who, what, chooses among
these possibilities...

to bring the actual event
of experience?

So we directly, immediately see
that consciousness must be involved.

The observer cannot be ignored.
[ Man ] We know what an observer does
from a point of view of quantum physics...

but we don't know
who or what the observer actually is.

Doesn't mean we haven't tried to find
an answer. We've looked.

We've gone inside of your head.
We've gone into every orifice you have...

to find something
called an observer.

And there's nobody home.
There's nobody in the brain.

There's nobody in the cortical regions
of the brain.

There's nobody in the subcortical regions
or the limbic regions of the brain.

There's nobody there
called an observer.

And yet, we all have this experience
of being something called an observer...

observing the world out there.
Is this the observer...
and which is so intricate
to understanding...

the wacky, weird world...
of quantum particles
and how they react?

Is this then the observer?
