What the %23$*! Do We (K)now!?

You got too many memories
clouding your vision.

Oh, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda.
You know you're the best
technical photographer I have.

And I wanna have
some great pictures.

You know what?
You need a good Polish wedding.

- And watch out for
those good Catholic boys, huh?
- You mean the priests?

- [ Laughs ] Come on. Get outta here.
- Bye.

When I was younger, um...
I had lots of ideas
about what God was.

And now I realize
I'm not conscious enough...

to truly understand
what that concept means.

That I am at one with the great being
that made me and brought me here...

and that formed the galaxies
and the universes, et cetera--

how did that get
taken out of religion?

It was not hard.
Most of the problems that religion
and various philosophical movements...

down through the centuries
have produced...

have been errors because
that's where they're started--

That God is a distinct
separate being from us...

to whom I must offer worship,
whom I must cultivate...

humor, please and hope to attain
a reward from at the very end of my life.

That is not what God is.
That is a blasphemy.
God is such a broad thing...
um, some parts of which--
most of the parts of which...

that are associated
with organized religion...

is something that
I sort of recoil at.

It's something I think has done a lot
ofharm to the world, done harm to women...

done harm to oppressed peoples,
done harm to the World Trade Center.

And yet, and the same point...
