When Will I Be Loved

Novelty. Pleasure. Enrichment.
And where do you think
you can best provide those?

Running around or right here?
I see your point. Apart from being
beautiful, you're a very clever girl.

Not girl. Grown woman.
My mother just straightened
my father out on that today.

- Oh, yes?
- Yes.

What does your father do?
He makes money.
- There's nothing wrong with that.
- No.

How, may I ask?
How does he make money?
A little of this, a little of that.
How do you make yours?

Yes. Why?
We're communicating right now.
You won't make any money from me.

That's okay. I make enough money
from the rest of the world.

I'm curious. Ford told me
about your reaction to me. Your...

Passion. My, my.
I hope you won't make light of it.
Not at all. I'm flattered and curious.
Can you tell me how you found
a passion for me?

I mean, we haven't even spoken.
You know the story
of Beatrice and Dante...

the greatest poet in Italian history?
He was seized by her, riveted.
Permanently enamored...

and romantically fixated from nothing
more than one fleeting glance.

I have always been
a creature of instinct.

When something or someone
excites me, I know it immediately.

What happened with you,
I won't say it never happened before.

So in that sense it's not like Dante,
where the vision only happened once.

But there was,
there is this urgency to knowing you.

Knowing me in the Biblical sense?
That's up to you.
As I said, I'm only here to please.

Santa Claus, St. Francis,
Mother Teresa all rolled up into one?

You say that with a touch of sarcasm.
What else do you think
I might want from you?

Want me to take a wild guess?
