Wicker Park

I have your dry cleaning.
mistress be of it
to save I alone.

And so adieu, good madam.
Nevermore will I my master's tears
to you deplore.

She's good.
Look, I should really get
to the airport.

Yeah. Yeah.
If you have to go, go.

I'm sure Alex is gonna be disappointed
she didn't get a chance to meet you.

Tell her she did a great job.
And I'll see you on Monday.

Hey, you're not in China.
I didn't make it past O'Hare.
I will. Hey, Matt, thanks for everything.
It means a lot to me.

- What happened?
- I found Lisa.

I'm sorry you didn't find Lisa.
Yeah, me, too.
- I'll see you around, huh?
- All right, man.

Here it is.
This is the article she left behind.
The funeral's today.
I can't believe you're
blowing off Shanghai for this.

This isn't actually Lisa.
This is a compact.

What about your woman?
What's her name, anyway?

Yeah, I mean, isn't--
Hey, Alex.
Alex, it's me.
Please go away.
C'mon, baby. Open the door.
I don't want your friend
to see me like this.

He won't. He left.
What? He left?
Did I scare him away?
