Without a Paddle

When we need supplies, we radio
the Earth Child Support Network.

You... You guys have a radio?
Yeah. We haven't used it
since that last big thunderstorm.

Remember that, Flower?
Oh, my God. That thunderstorm
was so spiritual.

Earth Child's limbs were just waving,
heaving back and forth,

like she was dancing in the rhythm
to the thunder. It was just like...

Full-on Tantric orgasm.
- So where's this radio?
- Tree had an orgasm?

You don't say.
We danced naked
in the storm all night.

And then held each other,
soaking wet, until the morning.

The rain is like a drug.
It just makes you wanna...

What? Makes you wanna what?
Can we please use the radio?
Sure thing, Slug.
Wow. Monkey feet.
Yeah. It's like a second pair of hands.
Hello? Anyone out there?
My name's Jerry Conlaine,

and my two friends and I
are lost in the woods. Hello?

- You gotta say "Over. "
- Over.

I read you, son.
This is Breaker Station 22.

- What is your position? Over.
- See? He said, "Over. "

We are two miles east
of Harold's Bluff

in a giant redwood
called Earth Child. Over.

In a tree. We'll find you. We will
give assistance and whatnot.

Peace. Over.
You just sit tight.
We're coming to get you.

Over and out!
So we ran out of food in Borneo,
so we just ended up

eating our mosquito netting.
Just salted it up, and it was good.

It was really good.
Oh, you messy thing. Let me get that.
Thank you.
Well, there's plenty more
grubs here, Condor.
