Yazi tura

What was it?
I didn't drink much father-in-law.
Yes Rahime?
- Hello. - Hi.

Isn't Ridvan here?
No, he didn't come
here today at all.

What were you trying to tell her?
What were you trying to tell?
I'm asking you man.
- I told her to stay quiet.

Quiet is like this. Not like that.
You were saying I was stoned,
right? Right?

Fuck you. Fuck you man.
Don't laugh at me.
Fuck you. Fuck you.

Ridvan, don't drink that
shit too much.

Don't lose your dignity.
Am I supposed to take
dignity lessons from you?

Don't be a maniac, man.
- You are the maniac.

Am I supposed to take
dignity lessons from you?

Are you pulling a gun on me?
Take dignity lessons from you?
Take dignity lessons from you, eh?
Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck you all.
You are all assholes.
My dear son.
Change that channel ma.
Do it yourself.
What are you thinking, girl?
