A History of Violence

Yeah, like you don't know.
Did--Did we know each other?

You tell me.
We don't know each other.
Come on, Joey. Cut the crap.
My name is Tom.
Joey Cusack.
Your name is Joey Cusack.

You're from Philly.
- Mm-hmm. OK. Whatever.
- Uh-huh.

Excuse me, gentlemen, if you're
not going to order anything...

my husband and I
would appreciate it...

if you would be on your way.
We ate on the road.
It's all right.
It's OK.
We really are very busy here
today, as you can see.

Um, so if you gentlemen
aren't going to be eating...

I really should offer
your seats to paying customers.

now we're paying customers.
I can't take this.
It shouldn't be
any problem for you.

What is that supposed to mean?
Mr. Fogarty's
just making conversation here.

Well, whatever
you want to call it...

this conversation is over.
I think he wants us to leave,
Mr. Fogarty.

Do you know what he does...
when he don't like people,
Mr. Fogarty?

Yeah. I'm scared.
We should leave before he goes
all Dirty Harry on us.

I want to thank you
for the coffee, Joey.

It really is very good.
It's Tom. My name's Tom Stall.
