Alone in the Dark

That's what I want to find out.
I'll brief you both in the air.
Let's go.

Krash, I'm gonna get this place
locked up now.

Science-spy is on the way,

Oh, and, Carnby...
I'll need my I.D. back.
Let's move it.
Let's keep that access open.
Move it! Move it!
Move it! Move it! Come on!

So, where are we going, Burke?
To the Britannia gold mine.
The Britannia mine?
I grew up in that area.

Why are we going there?
They shut it down
22 years ago...

after six miners were killed
in an unexplained accident.

Did 713 investigate?
The report concluded there was
no paranormal activity.

But get this-
the agents in charge
of the investigation...

were Dr. Lionel Hudgens
and James Pinkerton.

Let's go!
Krash, what are your readings?
Practically off the scale,

This is unprecedented.
Initiate 59-Alpha.

No. Hold them off for now.
Wait for my command.

We've got three guerillas
with flashlights set up...

gatling guns with
electromagnetic motion tracking.

And every available agent
in the vicinity is here-

Look, I don't care
what you have to do.

Get more bodies down here now!
Look at this place!
We need more!

Looks like we're going to war.
Yeah? Well, we are.
Highest Zenoe concentration ever
is in this area.

It's our chance to get
rid of them once and for all.

Come on!
Come on.
Turner, why is that thing
not up and running?

Just arrived here, sir.
The generator
will be online shortly.

Got to move faster.
This is top priority.
