Nick, this is huge.
Thank you so much.
You are a lifesaver.
Okay, so I'll get the three tickets, and
as soon as you guys land, call me.
Oh, no, I meant that I'll drop them off
at the airport.
Oh, no. You can't expect the kids
to travel alone, Nick.
Kevin's got asthma. That recycled air
in the plane... I mean, yuck.
But it'd be fine. Kids fly all the time.
It's nothing.
I'll make sure they get on the plane.
They'll get milk and cookies, little
plastic wings, get to meet the pilot.
You know, it'd be real cool.
Especially with me sitting next to them
making sure everything is all right.
Oh, how could I ever repay you?
Obviously, you don't care
that she's using you.
But ask yourself this:
Would you trust a woman
who'd trust you with her kids?
I'm tempted to call Child Services
right now.
Uncle Nick loves kids.
Big lummox.
Might as well just put myself on eBay.
Hello. I'm here to pick up the kids.
Now, that's what I'm talking about.
What you wasting your time
with Miss Suzanne for?
- Excuse me?
- You come with me.
Miss Mable will take you
on a guided tour to Sin City.
Oh, God. Excuse me.
Hello? Somebody?
Who wants to go to Vancouver?
Mom says that we should be polite.