Hey, hey, where y'all going?
Excuse me, I'm looking
for the pharmacist.
Delwyn? Sure.
- He's right over there.
- That's enough.
- I got it.
- Give me that.
Stop clowning around now.
- Yo.
- Give me my shoe.
Yo. Excuse me,
are you the pharmacist?
Not at the moment. Why?
Well, look, I got a kid with me, man.
He's got asthma real bad.
Try some steam.
That usually helps.
Hey, hey. Knock it off.
- Steam?
- That's enough of that.
Look, look, all I need is a refill, okay?
And I know you can help.
I'm asking you nice.
Mister, I've been married
for 38 years. You can't scare me.
Come on, man, you the pharmacist.
I know you took a oath or something.
Not that I can remember, no.
Hey, will you go over there
and behave yourself?
Yeah, go get him over there.
You know, folks around here
like to barter.
You get what you want,
I get what I want.
One hand washes the other.
I scratch your back...
Get to the point.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
you can't clown me.
Watch the kids.
All of them?
You little...
Oh, my word.
Pie and cake and brownies and pie.
You said "pie" twice.
I like pie.
Kevin, you know Mom
would be upset...
...if we were even thinking
about trying any of these...
Hey, I was gonna eat
those brownies.