Bad News Bears

Just leave me alone
will you, Buttermaker.

I'm too young to have a stalker.
Come on, Amanda,
just a few games, please?

I need to make money.
I need to buy clothes, makeup.
I'm saving up for a car.

You wear makeup?
What happened to
the Barbie oven with the muffin light?

That was like 20 years ago.
I'm all grown up now.

Yeah, you're probably right.
I'm sure your arm
sucks now, anyhow.

God, that is so lame.
Reverse psychology?

You're such a loser.
Man, you must have a big one,

because I don't know what else
my mom saw in you.

You're not supposed to be
talking about my... My one.

You're 12 years old.
As far as you know,
I'm like G.I. Joe down there, okay?

I have the Internet, you know.
I'm not stupid.

Just come play with us, will you?
It'll be fun.
I'll pay for the clothes, okay?
And I'll help you out with the car
when it gets to that time.
- But you know, you just...
- No. Don't you get it? Just no.

All right,
I've been disappointed before.

All right, guys, listen up.
This is Amanda Whurlitzer.
She's your new pitcher.
