
"It was the beginning 0f a new life..."
"a new feeling, a new h0riz0n..."
"y 0u had faith in me..."
"and I had faith in my wings."
Remember h0w happy I was
that day?

Is it wise t0 let michelle live al0ne?
She is n0t al0ne;
mrs. G0mes will als0 live here.

I will als0 live next d00r.
University is cl0se by,
she will meet new pe0ple.

Besides, we can't pr0tect
her all her life.

D0n't w0rry. She'll be fine!
What's wr0ng with y0u, sara? Huh?
We were all just laughing
n0w suddenly y0u're fighting.

It's very irritating, mama.
Anything that I put anywhere...

she picks it up and puts it
s0mewhere else.

Ma, I l0ve her very much,
I really d0.

But... please... leave me
0ut 0f this. Ok?

She's very excited, sweetie.
Please understand

I understand everything.
It's always ab0ut her, right?

Her excitement, her happiness, she's
the 0ne wh0 means everything t0 y0u

but what ab0ut me?
Sh0uld I speak t0 y0u in sign language?

Paul, I can't believe
what she's saying.

Oh my G0d...

- N0, mrs. McNally. Leave her al0ne.

With every fall, she'll rise higher.
I fell.
That's the spirit.
I want y0u t0 walk al0ne,
with0ut any help.

50 steps. Straight, and
then right. Underst00d?
