Broken Flowers

It's very strange,
your showing up like this.

Yeah, it is strange.
It's my husband.
Hey! Where's my perfect little wi...
Well, what have we here?
Hi. Don Johnston.
I'm a really old
friend of Dora's.

You don't look really old.
Just kinda old.

I'm Ron.
Don Johnston.

That's an old flame of yours,
right, honey?

Don just dropped in
completely unexpectedly.

Wow! Nice to meet you, Don.
Ron and Don.
Hey, uh, is Don gonna stay
for dinner? I hope.

No. I really couldn't.
Well, sure you could.
Right? Honey?
Computers, huh? Wow.
That's gotta be a lucrative field.
Yeah, I've done pretty well.
Hmm. Well, the real estate biz
has been very good to us.

Right, hon?
At first I had the idea
of going into bottled water.

I think in the near future,
water will be worth more
than oil or gold.

Yeah. You're dying of thirst,
you can't take a swig of oil.

Or gold, for that matter.
Boy, you are certainly
right about that.

But for right now,
