
I was planning to visit this fall, see?
Then I think you need to talk to him now.
And we all need to see how this ends
for the final part.

I can't finish the book
till I know what happens.

If Perry and Dick are executed,
it's one thing.

And if not, well...
Truman, you got your ending.
I really don't know.
The Kansas Court denied their appeal.
It came over the wire on Friday.
I mean, you need to talk to Perry now.
He'll be dead by September.
I mean, I'm sorry.
I know how much
you've come to care about him.

Right. Yes, right.
So I want to set up a reading for you
in the fall, in New York...

and, well, we'll build some interest,
and we'll publish in the fall.

Thank God. There's nothing in the house.
Why aren't you working?
Well, I knew you couldn't be counted on
to stock the kitchen.

What are we going to feed
our famous guest?

Oh, Jesus, I completely forgot.
Plus, I finished my novel yesterday.
When was the last time you wrote to him?
I don't know.
What's this?
It's a letter for Truman
I was asked to deliver.

It's from Perry.
