Chinjeolhan geumjassi

With this man by my side
I was never afraid. Right, honey?

Yeah, but we couldn't go in together
They should have couples prisons
But then that would be paradise, not jail
I don't know how to thank you
Honey, Geum-ja is readying a
magnificent plan

You can help her, right?
< The Way of Dhamma>
Where did you get this? It's real old
Comrade Geum-ja, it's no use
- Go save yourself
- Okay, right after I finish this

Finish the chicken later
And be careful. Don't let dogs have the
chicken bones

Pass me that yellowing book
Ko Sun-sook Time served 1967~1997
A spy from North Korea, Ko Sun-sook
had Alzheimer's...

...and was a problem for the prison
So when Geum-ja volunteered to look
after her...

Even the prison warden was relieved
