Coach Carter

- What's up?
- Here's two bundles.

- All right.
- Yo, be careful. The block is hot.

Yo, I got you.
- How you doing, man?
- Chilling, man.

You look good.
Got some paper for you.
Now we're talking, yeah.
How you living, Timo?
I'm good.
- You all right? For real?
- Yeah.

- Here, take some.
- I'm all right.

No, no, no, take some, please.
You did good, man.
You're doing good, bro.

- Thank you.
- Don't thank me, thank you.

You earned it.
Take a nickel bag, okay?
Go get yourself something, man.
- I'm gonna see you?
- Yeah, next week.

Okay, I'm gonna see you.
- Keep it up.
- Yeah.

Hey, Shaqua, Denise, holler at me.
Rafeca, I see you looking.
Ain't nobody
thinking about you, Worm.

- Oh, okay.
- Gentlemen,

let's review the Hercules game,
shall we?

Yo, yell out my numbers, sir.
Mr. Worm, you were five and four.
No, sir. I had 12 points
and eight assists, sir.

No, sir, Mr. Worm. You had five
turnovers and four missed free throws.

Now, we're talking
about fundamentals here.

Until we learn them, I'm adding
a practice every morning at 6 a. m.

- Six a. M?
- We shot 56 percent at...

Mr. Cruz.
