Coach Carter

- Yes.
- Thank you.

The lockout ends with a vote
of 4 to 2.

If there's no other business,
this board meeting is adjourned.

Thank you all for coming.
Mr. Carter.
Are you sure you wanna do this?
Look, I know we haven't always seen
eye to eye,

but you've done such a great job with
these boys, it seems wrong to just...

Look. No offense, ma'am,
but all the work I did with those boys

was negated when they ended
the lockout.

I don't think that's true, I...
The board sent the message
loud and clear.

Winning basketball games
is more important

than graduating from high school
and going to college.

I'm sorry, I just can't support
that message.

Sir, they can cut the chain off the
door, but they can't make us play.
